I had a guest fill in since Sean and I have conflicting hours a lot of the time but this is a great pod.

We talk about what Helfrich’s firing means for the Oregon athletic department and how it could be influenced by the current state of college athletics. Both of us recognize that there are valid reasons for his firing but we both think that Helfrich should have been maintained. Closer to the end we talk about how the debate over keeping or firing Helfrich became very emotional for many.

We look at all the coaches that have been discussed or mentioned by sportswriters or ones that make sense. Our guest breaks everybody up into tiers so you might enjoy seeing where we place Chip Kelly, Les Miles, PJ Fleck, and Jim McElwain. Also, a few tweets could lead one to believe that Brian Kelly is talking with Oregon. Dan Mullen, Scott Frost, Lane Kiffin, Willie Tagart, and a few others are talked about also.

This goes for a while so hopefully you guys enjoy it.