💥 In the Season 2 trailer, writer and podcaster Douglas Vigliotti introduces his 2021 poem collection "mini heartbreaks (or, little poems about life)” and shares that he will be reading the audiobook from start to finish. Vigliotti discusses the structure for the season, what led to writing the poems, what he has been working on since, and what to expect from him moving forward. He concludes by reading a short little poem about the collection.

🔮 In late 2021, as a writing exercise, Douglas Vigliotti, author of Tom Collins: A ‘Slightly Crooked' Novel, wrote a poem a day for five months, with just one rule: be honest. He had no intention of releasing any of the poems, but what emerged, was a deeply personal, unflinching, and unbridled account of his life which led to this sparse unorthodox poem collection titled mini heartbreaks (or, little poems about life). Leaving room for interpretation but organized to tell a story, this all-too-close mini-memoir in poetry form pulls up the veil on writing, artistry, alcohol, women, missed opportunities, growing up, and moving forward. Heck, it might even leave you inspired.

⚡️ Download a copy of the poem collection at douglasvigliotti.com/mini-heartbreaks.

💔 What is a mini heartbreak?

some are sad / some are hopeful / some are personal / some are long / er / than others

most / are this length / though

and a few / might even / make you cry

or smile / or think twice / or ask yourself / is this guy crazy

to that / i say / only half the time / and / i hope / you enjoy / my poems

- Douglas Vigliotti

⭐️ Learn more about the author at DouglasVigliotti.com