Episode 14 - An interview with Arif Hasan

In episode 14 of Slight Work we interview Arif Hasan, NFL Correspondent for Zone Coverage, Optimum Scouting and Daily Norseman. He has also recently launched the “Wide Left” PodcastMake sure to subscribe to our I-Tunes feed right here and leave us a review! (Tweet over your review name for a chance to win gear from Gotham City Crew).

Arif discusses what drove him to write about sports, how he balances being a Vikings fan while covering the team and what motivated him to launch a political podcast…

We also go through our weekly questions with Arif, which include…

Best career advice you have received?
Most valuable skill set you have?
One prediction about sports media industry in 2017
Most annoying or frustrating thing about industry/your job?
What is one carer orientated goal you have for the next 12 months or a skill set you want to learn?


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