Originally posted: https://wellawaresystems.com/best-humidity-level-for-cpap-machine/

Why have a CPAP humidifier?


If you’re already using a CPAP machine and are having problems with nasal dryness, congestion, or discomfort, humidification can assist.

When we breathe regularly, our nose and throat assist in humidifying (moistening and warming) the air we inhale. The body can’t keep up with the increased air flow from the CPAP, which can result in dryness or congestion.


Nasal congestion and dryness of the nose and throat affect up to 40% of CPAP users. Patients may be unable to continue their treatment because of these effects. Humidifiers for CPAPs give moisture and warmth to the air that is delivered by the machine. This will help to alleviate feelings of dryness and congestion, as well as increase overall comfort and compliance.

A CPAP humidifier is a device that adds moisture to the air you breathe through your CPAP machine by releasing moisture from a small tank of distilled water. This can help you feel more at peace when using CPAP.

CPAP therapy can cause dry mouth, dry throat, cracked lips, nosebleeds, chest pain, and sinus infections by reducing moisture in the nasal airways. When using CPAP therapy, humidifiers are utilised to give moisture to the air, preventing these difficulties.

Built-in and external humidifiers are the two types of humidifiers available. The CPAP machine includes built-in humidifiers. External humidifiers attach to your CPAP machine as independent components.


You should always check your CPAP machine’s manual or contact the manufacturer for recommendations on which humidifiers are the best options for your machine.


Adjusting humidity levels throughout the year

Humidity levels will need to be adjusted frequently as the seasons change or if a person travels to a different climate. If you’re congested or dry, turn up the humidity (and tube temperature if possible), and if you have any condensation or water in your tube or mask, turn down the humidity (and/or turn up the tube temperature if possible).

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