UV Light Sanitizer Box – Product Review

A common way of cleaning CPAP equipment is by using a UV light sanitizer box. You can put your equipment inside of these boxes, and they will clean the equipment for you. They often have different operation modes and are free from ozone so that they won’t leave a distinct smell on your equipment. These boxes are really handy to have around for all of your cleaning needs.

Hygiene is really important when it comes to CPAP therapy, as you wouldn’t want to be exposing yourself to any harmful bacteria. These UV light sanitizer boxes are a great way to clean everything that you need to as they will kill all of the harmful germs and bacteria, leaving you with sparkling clean equipment.

Ultimately, any unclean equipment will result in bacteria being transported into your lungs, and with this cleaning machine, you can be assured that only the pressurized oxygen will be making its way through your airway.

What is the Clyn UVC Sanitizer Box?


The Clyn UVC sanitizer box has a highly innovative digital touch screen that can be easily used by anyone who needs to use it. It comes with three fundamental modes of operation that you can choose from, depending on what you need from the machine. The three modes are dry, sanitize, and automatic dry and sanitize. These take different amounts of time to perform their purpose. It will take 45 minutes for the dry setting, 15 minutes for the sanitize setting, and the automatic dry and sanitize will take a total of 60 minutes to complete the cycle.

The pre-built drying function is easy to use and is very efficient in thoroughly drying your equipment. The machine itself is free from all toxic materials, and it does not use any harmful chemicals that can be damaging to your health. The product itself comes with a full one year warranty, with 30 days to return your product for free if you aren’t happy with it.

Included in the Box

Everything that you need to set up and use this product is included in the box. You get the sanitizer drying device, a CPAP hose adapter, a user manual, 1-year warranty, and two air filters. You can start using this product as soon as it arrives.

Tips for CPAP Equipment Cleaning

You should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines when it comes to cleaning your CPAP machine and equipment. These guidelines are there for a reason and will give you all of the information that you need to know. If for any reason you cannot locate this information, you can contact the manufacturer for more information on this subject. They will be able to recommend how often you should be cleaning different parts of your equipment.

What Does a UV Light Sanitizer Box Do?

A UV light sanitizer box is essentially a machine where you place your CPAP equipment inside, and the device uses the UV light to clean the products. UV light is the shortened version of ultraviolet light, which comes from ultraviolet radiation. UV light is actually present in sunlight, but the light in these machines is more concentrated.

Risks That Are Associated With Using UV Light Products

UV light can be used to disinfect your CPAP equipment only when the UV light does not escape into your surroundings. The product should be generating UV light in a way that will shield the user from exposure. These light sanitizer boxes should be able to close fully to stop the UV light from entering your home. If they do not, they are posing a health threat, and the severity of this depends on factors like wavelength, intensity, and exposure time.

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