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Why a Good Nights Sleep is SO Important Your Health

We all know that sleep is important for our health. But, sometimes it can be difficult to get the amount of quality sleep we need. 


What is sleep?

Sleep is a natural state of the body in which the mind and body come to rest. During sleep, your heart rate, breathing, temperature, blood pressure, and metabolism all slow down (or “go down”) slightly. Sleep is most refreshing when you give your body adequate time for sleep each night. If you sleep too little or sleep poorly one night, it takes time for your body to return to its normal rhythm.


How sleep problems can affect your health

There are many sleep disorders that may interfere with sleep. If you sleep less than the recommended minimum of seven to eight hours per night, this can affect your overall health and well-being in both the short term (e.g., drowsy driving) and long term (e.g., risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease).


What is normal sleep?

Sleep has two different phases: rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep), which is associated with dreaming; and non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM or “deep” sleep), which lacks vivid dreams but is still important for good mental health. These two types of sleep alternate throughout night as you cycle through periods of sleep and wakefulness.


How much sleep should you be getting?

Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep per night, though some people may require more or less sleep than the average. The amount of sleep needed per night is most likely determined by genetics; however people can train themselves to sleep better (e.g., limiting your caffeine intake). If you are considering changing your sleep schedule, make sure that there aren’t any underlying medical conditions causing your sleep difficulties; otherwise it can cause further health problems if not taken care of.


Should I sleep longer on weekends?

There’s no need to sleep longer at the weekend, unless you sleep less than 5 or 6 hours during weekdays which can make you sleep deprived. If sleep deprivation is not a concern for you, go ahead and sleep in, but do your best to get back into a regular sleep schedule on Monday morning.


Why am I sleeping badly despite sleeping more?

If you sleep longer but still feel tired during the day, there might be an additional problem. You could sleep too lightly or your sleep could be interrupted. For example, sleep apnea disorder is a sleep breathing disorder which leads to sleep disruption and poor sleep quality.


How do I get a better nights sleep?

Take a hot bath with lavender salts to relax your musclesTurn off all electronics at least thirty minutes before bed timeCreate a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom by lighting candles and playing calming musicSet an alarm on your phone or computer so you do not oversleepAvoid caffeine after 3pm, as it will interfere with sleep patternsDrink chamomile tea before bed for its sedative properties

We hope you have found the advice we’ve given on how to get a better night’s sleep helpful. If so, please share this post with your friends and family who may be struggling with getting quality rest at night. In addition, don’t just read this article – take action! Get yourself to bed now and start sleeping well tonight. Tomorrow will feel amazing as a result of being rested from last night’s deep slumber.

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