Love Zyppah & Snore No More: Review of the Zyppah Mouthpiece

Got a partner who snores? 

Or maybe your partner is complaining of your endless snoring at night?

Whatever the situation is for you, snoring can rob you of quality sleep, leaving you drained and tired in the morning. 

In fact, some couples opt to sleep apart because they can’t take the other’s snoring anymore.

Thankfully, people no longer have to suffer for long since there are plenty of solutions to choose from, such as anti-snoring mouthpieces. 
And among the mouthpieces available in the market today, the Zyppah for snoring mouthpiece is one of the most popular options.

We review this stop snoring mouthpiece and what makes it worth your time, effort, and money.

What is Zyppah? Does Zyppah work?

The Zyppah Mouthpiece is a highly rated product designed to treat snoring. It works by positioning your lower jaw slightly forward so your airway remains unblocked when you sleep.

One advantage of this product is it is very easy to use--you just place it inside your mouth before going to bed and take it off when you wake up.

For an anti-snoring device to work properly, the right fit is necessary. It won’t be an issue with Zyppah, however, since it can be custom-fitted by your physician.

You can even make the adjustments yourself by using the boil and bite method. This is done by placing the mouthpiece in hot water to soften the interior portion, then biting into it to make a dental impression. The result is a mouthpiece tailor-fit for your mouth.

Key Features of the Zyppah Snore no more:

Mandibular Advancement Device

One common cause of snoring is that your tongue partially obstructs your airway, especially when you sleep on your back. That’s what the Zyppah Mouthpiece tries to avoid.

Classified as a mandibular advancement device, the Zyppah mouthpiece helps open up your airway by putting gentle pressure on your jawbone and pushing it slightly forward while you sleep. Since the tongue is attached to this bone, it will move forward as well, preventing it from obstructing your air passage.

If tongue obstruction is the cause of your condition, this device might be the snoring cure you’ve been looking for.

Tongue Retaining Device

The Zyppah Mouthpiece also counts as a tongue-retaining device (TRD). It has the Snoring Eliminator, a patented tongue-elastic feature that works like a tongue restrainer.

In case pushing the jaw forward is not enough, this device’s elastic tongue support keeps the tongue in place, effectively preventing it from falling back no matter what sleeping position you’re in.

Easily Customizable

The Zyppah Mouthpiece only comes in one size, but it’s not a problem as far as fitting is concerned. You can customize it to exactly fit your mouth.

Personalize the Zyppah Mouthpiece using the boil and bite method. 

Durable and Long-Lasting

Anti-snoring mouthpieces are expected to wear down quickly since they’re supposed to be used every night.

For the Zyppah Mouthpiece, it has a lifespan estimated to be between nine to twelve months--on par with industry standards.

90-Day Money-Back Guarantee

With the device’s 90-day money-back guarantee, you can return the device within this period if you are not satisfied with the snoring relief it can give you. 

This basically means that you can test out the device if it works for you. And in case it does not, you don’t need to worry since you can still get a refund.

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