CPAP Parts and Equipment for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea causes interruptions or pauses in your breathing while you sleep. It’s a health condition that can be detrimental to your wellbeing and poses more serious concerns than snoring—it can put you at risk of death.
Fortunately, CPAP machines help keep your airways open throughout the night.
If you are new to CPAP machines, you may have many questions. In this article, we’ll go over CPAP parts and how to get the best out of them.
What Is a CPAP Machine?
A CPAP (or continuous positive airway pressure) machine is a device prescribed by doctors to treat sleep apnea disorders.
Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is one of the most common causes of sleep apnea in adults. For those who have it, the throat or airways briefly close many times throughout the night. These closures can impede sleep and even stop breathing for seconds at a time.
CPAP machines work to correct obstructed airways. They send a steady flow of oxygen into the nose and mouth while the user sleeps, which keeps the airways open.
CPAP Parts and Equipment
All these machines have the same CPAP parts and components:
•             A motor in a base unit
•             A cushioned mask
•             A tube that connects the motor to the mask
•             Headgear frame with adjustable face straps for a more comfortable fit
•             Elbow pieces (joints)
•             Air filter
•             Humidifier (optional)

Cleaning and Maintaining CPAP Parts and Components
Most CPAP parts consist of plastic, rubber, and silicone, making them easy to clean. The moisture in the machine components may damage the materials and lead to bacteria or mold buildup. It’s essential to clean your CPAP parts every day after use and replace parts when torn, broken, or damaged.
CPAP cleaners are a valuable asset for sanitizing your machine and preventing bacterial growth. You must clean the mask, headgear, tubing, and water chamber regularly to get the best use out of your CPAP machine.
If you do not want to purchase a dedicated CPAP cleaner, you can remove all the components and soak them in hot, soapy water. You can use an ultrasonic tank or activated oxygen (ozone) as well. Others use UV sanitizers, which clean the CPAP parts and components without getting them wet.

Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a CPAP machine cost?
CPAP machines are the least “fancy” of the three types of sleep machines, the others being APAP and BiPAP machines. They typically cost between $300-700. You can contact your healthcare provider or insurance provider to see if they will cover part or all of the cost.
Does a CPAP machine require a prescription?
Yes, it requires a prescription. You can talk to your doctor to inquire about one if you find you have trouble falling or staying asleep. They will often request a sleep study to find out more about your sleeping habits to determine if you need a CPAP machine.

CPAP machines work by delivering a stream of pressurized air through your airways to keep them from collapsing. These machines can help you fall and stay asleep so that you can get a better night of sleep.  
Learning about your CPAP parts and maintenance can be confusing. However, you can always call your healthcare provider about treatment options and education.

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