CPAP Battery 

We have gone on and on about the life-changing benefits of CPAP machines for people diagnosed with sleep apnea. The CPAP device curtails the problem at hand and, at the same time, controls the comorbidities that come along with it. These include diabetes, stroke, heart failure, obesity, loss of cognitive skills, and even cancer.

All in all, it seems like a great deal at the price of just one CPAP device. It keeps the sleep apnea and the comorbidities at bay ensure that you have a good night’s sleep and wake up well-rested.

How does the CPAP machine work?

The CPAP machine is a compact device with a mask that fits your nose and mouth, a hose that connects the mask to the main part of the machine with a motor to pump continuous air at a specific pressure. Maintaining airflow at the particular pressure is very important as any change or pause can cause the airways inside the body to collapse, leading to a respiratory pause.

Depending on the time period and intensity of this pause, the metabolism of the body is impacted. The oxygen flow to the brain and other visceral organs is decreased or can even be stopped. Breathing not only provides oxygen to the cells but also removes metabolic wastes like carbon dioxide. It is clear from the mechanics mentioned above that any change in the airflow from the CPAP machine can be impaired the breathing process and possibly be life-threatening.


Why would you need CPAP batteries?

The CPAP machine is fueled by power and needs to be plugged in when it’s working if any change in the power supply or fluctuation in the voltage can lead to a change in the airway pressure. But what if there is a power outage. What if something worse happens and the area you live in lies in the path of a storm or blizzards that are powerful enough to knock the power lines down. True, that these occurrences are rare. But when it is a question of your health, make sure that you are prepared for every worst-case scenario.

What is the best CPAP battery?

Moving on, here are the best CPAP batteries that have the best reviews and are also recommended by physicians.

1.    BPS Freedom CPAP Travel Battery– can be found online within $330-$250, is portable, and has a sleek design along with a digital display. The battery is lithium-ion based and is compatible with popular CPAP.

2.    Medistrom Pilot-24 Lite- can work through all night long, can be used in flight, can charge handheld devices, and has a built-in flashlight.

3.    Philips Respironics Respironics Travel Battery Kit- suitable for taking along flights, has a sleek design, and comes along with a travel case. The best part is it comes with a long battery expectancy.

Maintaining CPAP battery life over time

You are making a considerable amount of investment for the CPAP battery and the device, so it would do well to keep in mind how to maintain it. The most significant issue with chargeable battery is that they tend to get discharged faster as they become older. Even though each device comes with its expiry date, taking these steps to maintain your battery will help elongate this expiry date.

These small tips will go a long way and increase your battery life. Use your CPAP backup battery and the machine with care and enjoy sound sleep anywhere and everywhere.


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