In this special episode of #SlayTheMic Podcast, I didn't speak to a public speaker. I interviewed a woman who is a proud educator and an incredible mother, with a story that she's strong enough to share.
I decided to interview Shivonne because I've watched via social media, how her life has changed over the years. For women with similar stories like Shivonne's, they may feel afraid to speak out in fear of being judged.
In my opinion, the best speakers are those without a stage, a spotlight, or even a microphone, who unapologetically share their voice to not only empower themselves, but others.
If you are a listener who has experienced trauma, please know that your voice and story matter. Please do not feel that you're not allowed to release your pain because it will make someone else look bad or even make you look weak. You have every right to release that.
I hope this episode inspired you in some way. A big thank you to Shivonne for trusting me to share a piece of her.

To connect with me further:
Twitter/IG/FB : @IamJamGamble
[email protected]