On this week's special episode of Slasher Studios podcast, we will be interviewing Jayme Karales about his upcoming movie Practice Makes Perfect.  Show airs live Monday night, July 21st at 10PM central.

About the film: 

Paul Brokovich (Michael Malkiewicz) is an english teacher by day and a stand up comedian by night. Unfortunately Paul’s interest in becoming a recognized comic greatly outweighs his desire to educate the struggling students of his summer school class at Parkins' Regional High. His indecisiveness to stick to one career path leads Paul to no longer view his classroom as a place of learning, but a crowd to test potential stage material. As a result, Paul’s job as a teacher falls into jeopardy and it’s up to him to pick up the pieces before facing unemployment and isolation from his family and friends. Practice Makes Perfect also stars Jayme Karales, Alex Hand, Ken Dereste Dorcely, Levar Burton, and Jack Viera as the voice of radio personality Billy Beantown.

Become a backer today on the official Practice Makes Perfect kickstarter:
