Stand Alone Essay
#34 "Go Fly a Bike!"
As a little kid, I never had an overly strong desire to fly or glide through the trees like a bird. Much of what I was interested in was on the ground or in the water after all, and I felt like moving through the world in a magical way was already at hand... I'd just ride my bike! 
Riding a bike is to me- a form of flying. It's flying that is exponentially more obtainable to the average person, and a source of unbridled freedom for those who take hold of handlebars, grasp the balance of life on two wheels tap its potential. I've been tapping it's potential since I was 3 years old, fortunate to enjoy most my life behind bars. Handle bars that is of course!

Riding is one of a few mental spaces I can always call 'home' and it's played a major role in forging the person I am today. For those who may not relate to this connection, I offer this essay as a recommendation of why you should try ride a bike. I sincerely consider riding a therapy as powerful as any other. And whether it's pedaling a bicycle down a trail or piloting a motorcycle 80 miles an hour off road, there is opportunity for bikes to make birds your spirit animal- and take the training wheels off your life! 
Music by the Wrinkle Neck Mules