Daily Sky Aspects: Astrological Influences ☄️✨⭐☀️️

Convert to your timezone aspects based in PST Las Vegas, NV

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Welcome  to Daily Sky Aspects- Planetary Love & Life Energy, this series is  all about what planetary alignments are affecting us on a day to day  basis. 

I  decided to make this series because my friends, clients, and family are  always asking "What the " Fill in the Blank" is going on  astrologically? I've been feeling off like there is something in the air  or just a ton of weird energy!" The question goes like this or other  times "I've been feeling inspired and full of energy all day, what do  you think is going on astrology-wise?" I get asked many variations of  this question, and it always depends on how a person is functioning  through these astrological forces.

Either way, I figured  it would be good to do this for my YouTube and Social subscribers to  help you guys understand why you might be feeling a certain way through  the day.

There  is some aspect you might feel a little before this date, today, or the  next few especially with the outer planets since they are slower so  their energy sticks around for a while. So with any of the planets outer  or inner, it is possible to feel their vibes pre-transit, and  post-aspect because like a rainstorm you can see sense the shift of  weather in the air before and after it rains leaving a lingering feel of  humidity then it finally dissipates. Also, your natal chart will  determine how these transits hit you on an individual level so one  aspect of the day may be weak for you, while another comes through the  strongest. Hope this helps, have a fab day!

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