Have you ever wondered what decisions go behind deciding if  a pharmaceutical is to be administered either orally or intravenously or via inhalation. Who decides that? Well, the short answer is that it is decided based on a tested pharmaceutical developmental framework that has stood the test of time. First, it is determined by a clinical need, then by what the drug does to the body (pharmacodynamics) and what the body does to the drug (pharmacokinetics) married with other commercial question.

Now, if we flip it to Bioelectronic Medicines, we have realized that the field does not have an established framework that is available for everyone to discuss. So we sought to establish that via this episode.

We are joined by Dr. Victor Pikov,  who unpicks these crucial questions, as it pertains to Bioelectronic Medicines. We discuss all the crucial questions that needs to be discussed and considered.

Special thanks to Laura Szklarski for providing us with a great testimonial and some key actions for you to consider.

Our deepest thanks to CorTec Neuro and CirTec Medical for their kind help in bringing these episodes to you.

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