In this meditation inspired by popular teacher Jack Kornfield’s tree meditations, Sarah Jane guides you through a visualization that accesses the stabilizing and steadfast qualities of trees. 

Recalling a tree that has been significant in your life is the beginning of a short relational journey that includes rooting downward for nourishment and rising to the challenges of life’s seasons.

Then, breathing like the tree and being like the tree, we enhance a sense of  interconnectedness and presence, and trust this inner ground as a place to  return to, again and again.


Skillful Means Podcast offers these guided practices to help you deepen into your yoga and mindfulness journey.

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You can also get in touch with Sarah Jane directly. She offers a donation-based mindfulness/compassion practice group, weekly Insight Yoga classes, and 1:1 sessions. In all her offerings, she promotes self-awareness and interconnectedness using contemplative and somatic methods drawn from yoga, Buddhism, and spiritual psychology.