In this episode, Jen and Sarah Jane finally and excitedly get around to talking about Internal Family Systems. 

IFS is having a moment lately, and is being brought into yoga and Buddhist communities by some prominent teachers, including Sarah Jane and Jen’s primary teacher, Sarah Powers.

Since Jen has completed Level II IFS training, Sarah Jane asks her to describe the core proposition of IFS – that our mind is composed of sub personalities that have their own perspectives and motivations – and the benefits of bringing this model into spiritual life.

Ever concerned about the spiritual bypassing, appropriation, and dilution they see in many parts of yogaland, particularly in the U.S., Sarah Jane and Jen speak specifically about what IFS can do for yoga practitioners who seek to heal the wounds that prevent them from fully showing up.


Resources Mentioned

Sarah & Ty Powers’ Insight Yoga Institute
Amy Weintraub’s Lifeforce Yoga
Introduction to Internal Family Systems” by Dr. Richard Schwartz
Self Therapy” by Jay Earley
Jen’s All Parts Are Welcome 4-week IFS Support Circle


Join us for our first live Virtual Retreat, November 20-22: Tuning In and Reaching Out

We believe in taking the opportunity we have here now, in our ephemeral existence and in uncertain times, to strengthen the web of interconnectedness, in which our freedom is found. 

And so, our first virtual retreat will feature talks and practices that encourage inner investigation as well as interconnectedness.

Get all the details and register for live Zoom calls and email support


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You can also get in touch with Jen and Sarah Jane directly.