This episode’s guest was so much fun to talk to. Nikki Smith is an improvisor, theater director, gives really bad advice on life (, plays the accordion (badly) and is now helping people who are having a hard time in life get through to the next day (hopefully very well). What I liked best about chatting with Nikki was how much we are similar… we are drawn to improv because we do not like to learn lines, we are both scatterbrained enough that we can’t settle on that one good thing that we are good at. The biggest difference is that she loves cats and I am constantly trying to keep my slacks free from hair.
We talk about improv (duh) and talk about singing improv, dramatic improv, and all of the improvs. We also talk about her trek to become certified in suicide prevention, which is not as easy as just being nice on the phone. We do talk cats, especially her cat, “Derp”, who may have the best/worst name for a cat ever (fortunately, cats don’t understand human humor). Overall, this is a great show and the sketch was a start/stop and redo which is sometimes my favorite.
Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!
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Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC. Special Guest: Nikki Smith | Improvisor, Not-Good Advice Giver and Suicide Preventer.

This episode’s guest was so much fun to talk to. Nikki Smith is an improvisor, theater director, gives really bad advice on life (, plays the accordion (badly) and is now helping people who are having a hard time in life get through to the next day (hopefully very well). What I liked best about chatting with Nikki was how much we are similar… we are drawn to improv because we do not like to learn lines, we are both scatterbrained enough that we can’t settle on that one good thing that we are good at. The biggest difference is that she loves cats and I am constantly trying to keep my slacks free from hair.

We talk about improv (duh) and talk about singing improv, dramatic improv, and all of the improvs. We also talk about her trek to become certified in suicide prevention, which is not as easy as just being nice on the phone. We do talk cats, especially her cat, “Derp”, who may have the best/worst name for a cat ever (fortunately, cats don’t understand human humor). Overall, this is a great show and the sketch was a start/stop and redo which is sometimes my favorite.

Sketch Comedy Podcast show is an independent and completely improvised sketch podcast that is based on conversations with interesting people like YOU! We welcome all suggestions, and we are always looking for new and interesting people to have on the podcast. Thank you so much for watching and listening, and please check out our other links for more information, interaction and overall fun!

For more episodes, information, and a chance to be on the show, visit:

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Sketch Comedy Podcast Show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

© Copyright 2018 Marathon Productions, LLC.

Special Guest: Nikki Smith | Improvisor, Not-Good Advice Giver and Suicide Preventer.

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“Nikki Tells You How To Live Your Life” — Nikki’s YouTube series where she gives really bad advice to good people, like yourself!

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