What happens when you are sick? You know, for more than one day (for one day, you get the benefit of just being sick and trying to sleep as much as you can), like sick for a week? What did you do? What if you were sick and feeling miserable for a lot longer… like a LOT longer? You might get angry. You might start cursing the world. You might just give up hope. And that’s exactly what this week’s guest, Ari Meisel, did when he was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease…
…then he got better! Not physically right away, but in his brain he realized that he had to make some changes. So he did. He started realizing that there were ways to be able to get things done easier than he was doing them before. Then he realized that this was something that he could help other people do! So he started an empire. No, really, he started a freaking empire helping people do less work than they ever did before. And if you are wondering what that statement means, it means that you need to subscribe to Ari’s podcast “Doing Less with Ari Meisel” and get his books “The Art of Less Doing” and his new one “The Replaceable Founder” and find out why starting a business and being the boss doesn’t necessarily mean that is all you are going to do with your life… you can live a complete life away from work as well!
We discuss:
- Using surrogates
- Why bald people all look the same
- Getting rid of small tasks and eventually big ones
- Good & bad experiences with coaching
- Curing Crohn’s
- Ari’s 9 books
- Why business is not like family, but more like a team
- Crashing in planes (twice!)
Then we decide on one of these sketches, find out which one next week!
1. A Pilot outsourcing his job in the middle of a crash.
2. Multi-generational company transitioning to a younger generation in an odd business model.
3. Performance-enhancing drugs for horses being brought to humans.
Special Guest: Ari Meisel | "Overwhelmologist" and Master of Doing Less.

What happens when you are sick? You know, for more than one day (for one day, you get the benefit of just being sick and trying to sleep as much as you can), like sick for a week? What did you do? What if you were sick and feeling miserable for a lot longer… like a LOT longer? You might get angry. You might start cursing the world. You might just give up hope. And that’s exactly what this week’s guest, Ari Meisel, did when he was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease…

…then he got better! Not physically right away, but in his brain he realized that he had to make some changes. So he did. He started realizing that there were ways to be able to get things done easier than he was doing them before. Then he realized that this was something that he could help other people do! So he started an empire. No, really, he started a freaking empire helping people do less work than they ever did before. And if you are wondering what that statement means, it means that you need to subscribe to Ari’s podcast “Doing Less with Ari Meisel” and get his books “The Art of Less Doing” and his new one “The Replaceable Founder” and find out why starting a business and being the boss doesn’t necessarily mean that is all you are going to do with your life… you can live a complete life away from work as well!

We discuss:

Using surrogates
Why bald people all look the same
Getting rid of small tasks and eventually big ones
Good & bad experiences with coaching
Curing Crohn’s
Ari’s 9 books
Why business is not like family, but more like a team
Crashing in planes (twice!)

Then we decide on one of these sketches, find out which one next week!

A Pilot outsourcing his job in the middle of a crash.
Multi-generational company transitioning to a younger generation in an odd business model.
Performance-enhancing drugs for horses being brought to humans.

Special Guest: Ari Meisel | "Overwhelmologist" and Master of Doing Less.

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Less Doing Special Link for Fans of Sketch Comedy Podcast Show — Go here to get an introduction to Ari’s programs, “Doing Less” or “The Replaceable Founder”, and sign up! If it sounds good, sign up! Ari helps everyone from stay-at-home parents to Fortune 500 companies with his training and it is something that I am planning on taking as well!All of Ari Meisel's Books on Amazon — Get access to all 9 of Ari’s books (some of which are free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers!). Highlights include “The Replaceable Founder”, “Less Doing, More Living: Make Everything in Life Easier”, “Idea to Execution: How to Optimize, Automate, and Outsource Everything in Your Business”, “Intro to Biohacking: Be Smarter, Stronger, and Happier”, “How I Overcame Crohn's Disease: My Diet, Supplements, And Lifestyle Strategies To Beat Crohn's Disease And Take Back Your Life”“Less Doing” Podcast with Ari Meisel — Ari’s really great podcast where he spills some of his secrets of being an “overwhelmologist” with industry luminaries. A must-subscribe if you want to get a leg-up in life.
Little Hands for Big Fingers — The little hands that Ari had on his fingers. Seriously, how many more things could you accomplish if you had 10 hands as opposed to 2?!? (It’s not the size of your hands…)