As the international skeptical community gears up for another season
of conferences presented by established groups like The Skeptics
Society's Science Symposium, The James Randi Educational Foundation's
Amazing Meeting, and the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry's CSICon, a
new generation of skeptics are also finding the critical thinking
movement in their own back yards at local meet ups called Skepticamps,
which are community driven, informal "un-conferences" borne from the
desire for people to share and learn in an open environment.

This week on Skepticality, Derek and Swoopy report from Atlanta
Skepticamp 2011 and share one of this year's Skepticamp talks by
Skeptic History contributor Tim Farley appropriately entitled "Don't
Start a Blog or Podcast", on the topic of how to handle the vast
amount of skeptical content created by blogs and podcasts, and how to
stand out if you decide you do decide to jump into the fray.
