In February 2010 a panicked zebra ran loose down a major Atlanta freeway at rush hour sustaining fatal injuries, the same month at Orlando's SeaWorld a whale trainer was dragged underwater to her death by a 12,000-lb killer whale, and this week in Mumbai an angry 56-year-old female elephant killed a man who entered her enclosure by picking him up with her trunk and slamming him into a wall. 
From food production to circus acts to scientific stud, animals have a long and controversial history in the lives of humans who not only learn from studying their biology but what they in turn teach us about our own behaviors.
This week, Skepticality welcomes back Dr. Marc Bekoff, Professor Emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado who alongside Jane Goodall co-founded the organization "Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals". Dr. Bekoff discusses his book The Animal Manifesto: Six Reasons for Expanding Our Compassion Footprint citing supporting current scientific research to outline six guiding principles designed to increase awareness of the deplorable conditions animals experience across a broad spectrum of activities, and what those of us who are concerned can do to help.