Welcome to Episode 1.

Be warned that we do use some naughty words so if that sort of thing offends you click away now. 

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Chris and Dan chat about what they have been up to in the hobby since the last podcast and a few interesting underempire.net forum topics.

Torpored Blog - Lots of cool ratty conversions

Skaven's Plight - Skaven Comic

Hannanibal's Painting Tutorial

How to deal with the Banner of the World Dragon

The main topic of the podcast is the Skaven ETC lists. They do a bit of an ETC intro, tactics, comp etc. then get into some number-crunching to see what the most popular lists were and put together an "average" Skaven ETC list and pick out a couple of their favourite lists.   

The "Average List" was:

Grey Seer - Bell, Skalm

Cheiftain BSB - Shield, Banner of Eternal Flame

Assassin - Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength

Warlock Engineer - Level 2, Warp Energy Condenser

Warlock Engineer - Level 1, Dispel Scroll

Warlock Engineer - Doomrocket

38 Stormvermin - FC, Storm Banner

37 Slaves - music, champ

40 Slaves - music, champ

40 Slaves - music, champ

7 Gutter Runners - Slings, poison

7 Gutter Runners - Slings, poison

Hell Pit Abomination

Warp Lightning Cannon

5 Giant rats - packmaster

2 Rat swarms

Chris's Favourite was:

Craig Johnson, Skaven

Warlord: Fellblade, 190

Warlord: Shield, Warlitter, Warpstone Armour, Sword of Anti-heros, Dawnstone, Ironcurse Icon, 218

Warlord: General, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Sword of Might, 190

Chieftain: Halberd, 47

Chieftain: Halberd, The other Trickster's Shard, Dragonbane Gem, 67

Chieftain: Battle Standard Bearer, Great Weapon, Banner of Verminous Scurrying, 84

Engineer: Doom Rocket, 45

Engineer: Obsidian Lodestone, 60

Engineer: Level 2, Ruin, Dispel Scroll, 125

Assassin: Weeping Blades, Potion of Strength, 170

29 Storm Vermin: Full Command, Banner of Eternal Flame, 238

40 Storm Vermin: Full Command, 305

2x 21 Slaves: Champion, Musician, 48

21 Slaves: Musician, 44

2x 2 Rat Swarms: 50

2x 5 Gutter Runners: Slings, Poison, 90

1 Warp Lightning Cannon: 90

1 Doom Wheel: 150

Total: 2399

Dan's Favourite was:

Slurpy Tan, Skaven

Grey Seer: General, Level 4, Plague/Ruin, Power Scroll, Foul Pendant, 305

Warlord: Shield, Fellblade, 193

Chieftain: BSB, Shield, Standard of Discipline, 87

Chieftain: Halberd, Obsidian Lodestone, 92

Warlock Engineer: Level 2, Ruin, Dispel Scroll, 125

Warlock Engineer: Level 1, Ruin, Doomrocket, 95

Warlock Engineer: 15

Assassin: Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength, 170

40 Stormvermin: FCG, Storm Banner, 355

3x 38 Skavenslaves: Champion, Musician, 82

2x 5 Giant Rats and 1 Packmaster: 23

2x 5 Gutter Runners: Slings, Poisoned Attacks, 90

1 Warp Lightning Cannon: 90

1 Hell Pit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes, 250

1 Doomwheel: 150

Total: 2399

Thanks to Clanlord Trask for the intro music.

We very much welcome your feedback, on both the podcast and the blog. You can get us on facebook, Twitter (@SkavenblightRad) or over on the The UnderEmpire or of course by leaving a comment here.

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