Welcome to episode #708 of Six Pixels of Separation.

Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation - Episode #708 - Host: Mitch Joel. The bestselling author, David Meerman Scott, wants businesses to focus more on developing fans than customers. He would know. He is a fan of live music, collecting artifacts from space, and so much more. He also happens to be a marketing strategist who has written eight books (all of which have done exceedingly well). He may be best known for The New Rules of Marketing & PR, but his body of work also includes, The New Rules of Sales and Service, Real Time Marketing and PR, Marketing The Moon, Marketing Lessons From The Grateful Dead, Eyeball Wars and World Wide Rave. Most recently, he published the book, Fanocracy - Turning fans into customers and customers into fans. For this book he worked with a co-author (who also happens to be his daughter), Reiko Scott. Let’s dive into how brands can think differently about their customers, and debate whether or not all businesses are worthy of having fans. Enjoy the conversation...

Running time: 59:06. Hello from beautiful Montreal. Subscribe over at iTunes. Please visit and leave comments on the blog - Six Pixels of Separation. Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook. or you can connect on LinkedIn. ...or on Twitter. Here is my conversation with David Meerman Scott. Reiko Scott. Fanocracy. The New Rules of Marketing & PR. The New Rules of Sales and Service. Real Time Marketing and PR. Marketing The Moon. Marketing Lessons From The Grateful Dead. Eyeball Wars. World Wide Rave. Follow David on Instagram. Follow David on Twitter. This week's music: David Usher 'St. Lawrence River'.

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