Welcome to episode #550 of Six Pixels Of Separation - The Mirum Podcast

Here it is: Six Pixels Of Separation - The Mirum Podcast - Episode #550 - Host: Mitch Joel. How do you operate in teams and groups? Do you feel like an insider or an outsider? Do you like the open-floor concept at the office? Do you have kids? Are people constantly pushing to get them to "come out of their shell"? Like to spend time alone and read? Like private time to do your work on your own? Do you think that collaboration is over-rated? Would you rather spend time alone than out at a networking event? My friend, Susan Cain, built momentum on her incredibly popular book, Quiet - The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, and a massive TED Talk, The Power Of Introverts, that has been viewed close to 16 million times. Here's the good news: You are not alone... and if you are, there's nothing wrong with that. It turns out that some of our best thinkers and innovators are introverted. Now, Susan has published a new book, Quiet Power - The Secret Strengths Of Introverts (aimed at kids and teens), and she is growing her Quiet Revolution movement. Enjoy the conversation...

Running time: 48:59. Hello from beautiful Montreal. Subscribe over at iTunes. Please visit and leave comments on the blog - Six Pixels of Separation. Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook. or you can connect on LinkedIn. ...or on twitter. Six Pixels of Separation the book is now available. CTRL ALT Delete is now available too! Here is my conversation with Susan Cain. Quiet Power - The Secret Strengths Of Introverts. Quiet Revolution. Quiet - The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. The Power Of Introverts. Follow Susan on Twitter. This week's music: David Usher 'St. Lawrence River'.

Download the Podcast here: Six Pixels Of Separation - The Mirum Podcast - Episode #550 - Host: Mitch Joel.

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