Welcome to episode #293 of Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast. Mark W. Schaefer over at Grow Blog is about to publish his second book, Return On Influence - The Revolutionary Power of Klout, Social Scoring, and Influence Marketing, which dissects the fascinating world of scoring an individual consumer's true influence in the online channels. While this is already a very contentious issue, there's something bigger happening is our online world that bears reflection: what, exactly, is leadership? Is it how many people follow someone on Twitter? Is it the success of a Facebook campaign? What about a successful Blog? In this Podcast, Mark and I debate the merits of true marketing leadership and what brands need to know as they continue to struggle with success metrics and ROI. I should also mention that the audio conversation recorded a little strangely (so apologies for non-perfect audio quality). Enjoy the conversation...

Here it is: Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast - Episode #293 - Host: Mitch Joel.

Running time: 48:24. Please send in questions, comments, suggestions - [email protected]. Hello from Beautiful Montreal. Subscribe over at iTunes. Please visit and leave comments on the Blog - Six Pixels of Separation. Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook. or you can connect on LinkedIn. ...or on twitter.  Six Pixels of Separation the book is now available. Episode #41 of Media Hacks is coming soon and it might feature:  Chris Brogan - New Marketing Labs - Co-author of Trust Agents, Man On The Go, Human Business Works, Third Tribe Marketing and Escape Velocity. C.C. Chapman - Managing The Gray - Digital Dads - Content Rules. Hugh McGuire - LibriVox - iambik audio - PressBooks. Christopher S. Penn - Blue Sky Factory - Marketing Over Coffee. Julien Smith - In Over Your Head - Co-author of Trust Agents. In conversation with Mark W. Schaefer. Mark's Blog is: Grow. Follow Mark on Twitter. Mark's first book: The Tao of Twitter. Mark's new book: Return On Influence. This week's music: David Usher 'St. Lawrence River'.

Download the Podcast here: Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast - Episode #293 - Host: Mitch Joel.

Tags: ad age advertising blog blogging cast of dads cc chapman chris brogan christopher s penn david usher digital dads digital marketing facebook facebook group grow blog hugh mcguire in over your head influence marketing itunes julien smith klout librivox managing the gray mark w schaefer marketing marketing over coffee media hacks new marketing labs online social network podcast podcasting pressbooks return on influence social media 101 social media marketing social scoring strategy the tao of twitter trust agents

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