Welcome to episode #209 of Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast. This is also episode #32 of Media Hacks. On the line is C.C. Chapman, Hugh McGuire, Christopher S. Penn and yours truly. In this episode, we celebrate the announcement of C.C.'s upcoming book, Content Rules (co-written with the truly awesome Ann Handley from MarketingProfs) which leads us down the rabbit hole into a conversation about content, authenticity, publishing (as usual) and how we all connect, create, curate and find content.  And, in the end, none of us can figure out how to hold a phone the right way (who knew?). Beyond that we discuss devices and content and what this business may (or may not) look like. Enjoy the conversation...

Here it is: Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast - Episode #209 - Host: Mitch Joel.

Running time: 51:52. Audio comment line - please send in a comment and add your voice to the audio community: +1 206-666-6056. Please send in questions, comments, suggestions - [email protected]. Hello from Beautiful Montreal. Subscribe over at iTunes. Please visit and leave comments on the Blog - Six Pixels of Separation. Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook. or you can connect on LinkedIn. ...or on twitter. Facebook Group - Six Pixels of Separation Podcast Society. In a perfect world, connect with me, directly, through Facebook. Six Pixels of Separation the book is now available. Episode #32 of Media Hacks is here and it features:  C.C. Chapman - Managing The Gray - Campfire. Hugh McGuire - LibriVox - Bite-Sized Edits - The Book Oven. Christopher S. Penn - Blue Sky Factory - Marketing Over Coffee. Not present: Chris Brogan - New Marketing Labs - Co-author of Trust Agents. Julien Smith - In Over Your Head - Co-author of Trust Agents. C.C. Chapman is officially an author. The book is called, Content Rules, with Ann Handley from MarketingProfs. Sadly, C.C. can't explain what a book is ;) A conversation about Blogging, content and mass media. The Good Old Days. The value of links, retweets and web analytics. The homogenization of Social Media. Content has to be fun too. How the FCC Plans to Regulate Internet Lines via The Wall Street Journal. Filter, curate and crowdsourcing. How should publishing be different? Why it's ridiculous to argue about ghost blogging. Moving away from Google Reader to Twitter to really be "in the know". The challenge of RSS and syndication versus (or with) the real-time(ish) Web. The changing media habits of people. Google Buzz is also driving great content tips and ideas (at least, C.C. says so). So, what's the buzz about Google Buzz? It turns out you were holding your phone the wrong way. You can never make an early adopter happy. Remember, all issues are resolved through a software update. Life is just that easy. Did you ever believe the bars or reception notification on your phone? TED - Rory Sutherland: Life lessons from an ad man. Great news about woot getting acquired by Amazon. Amazon buys world's biggest bog o' crap, and it's call woot. Google, Apple and Amazon are locked in a very interesting fight. Is it the device or the content? We may be a little stuck in publishing purgatory at this point. eReading devices are only a commodity and they will disappear (says Hugh). And with all of this, Amazon Kindle continues to roll out new devices and lower prices. The business challenge is this: if the devices don't matter and people steal the content, where does that leave us? The open vs. closed platform for publishing and the Web. David Usher - 'Kill The Lights'.

Please join the conversation by sending in questions, feedback and ways to improve Six Pixels Of Separation. Please let me know what you think or leave an audio comment at: +1 206-666-6056.

Download the Podcast here: Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast - Episode #209 - Host: Mitch Joel.

Tags: advertising amazon amazon kindle ann handley apple bite size edits blog blogging blue sky factory book oven campfire cast of dads cc chapman chris brogan christopher s penn content rules crowdsourcing david usher digital dads digital marketing early adopter ereading facebook facebook group fcc ghost blogging google google buzz google reader hugh mcguire in over your head iphone itunes julien smith librivox managing the gray marketing marketing over coffee marketingprofs mass media media hacks new marketing labs online social network podcast podcasting rory sutherland rss six pixels of separation social media 101 social media marketing strategy ted trust agents twist image twitter wall street journal woot

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