“You are driving the wrong truck!” No truck driver ever wants to hear those chilling words. That’s the stuff of nightmares. But, our guest today wasn’t dreaming when he heard that line from a dispatcher, and he was already 800 miles down a snow-covered highway. The VIN he had checked was off by a single digit – the last one – a single digit that brought Armahn Britt to the brink. It had already been a rough day inside a rough season, and now he faced the reality of driving 800 miles back to the place of origin with no reward of a paycheck at the end of it. He wanted to quit. But, moments like these separate the professionals from the amateurs. It’s moments like these where someone either rises or breaks down. Armahn rose. That’s who Armahn is, and he’s stronger and wiser for having gone through this moment and others like it. You’re in for a treat as we sit down with this driveaway veteran who is full of stories to tell and wisdom to convey on this week’s episode of #SixFigureTrucker.

Show Notes

Armahn enters driveaway and finds Norton (1:26)Balancing Freedom and Responsibility in Driveaway (9:03)Valuable lessons in the School of Hard Knocks (15:47)Armahn puts a Premium on Preparation (22:30)Life-changing Money and Freedom in Driveaway (25:30)You need to get your TWIC card! (33:02)Never Stop Learning and Growing (36:06)Route planning (45:39)SFT Eats with Armahn Britt (52:16)

Keep Truckin' Armahn!

The Six Figure Trucker is a weekly conversation that shares the strategies and stories that successful truck drivers have used to build lucrative careers in the trucking industry. For more information or to subscribe, please visit https://www.six-figuretrucker.com/

The Six-Figure Trucker is a weekly podcast about driveaway trucking brought to you by Norton Transport. For more information or to subscribe, please visit Six-FigureTrucker.com.