We return to space for another round of Lasers and Feelings, this time joined by Patrick O!

The Raptor C was nearly ambushed by a ship full of Tuvisian cyber zombies, but with quick thinking and a handy cloaking field, managed to turn the odds in their favor. With the ship's regular crew unconscious with disease, its up to Comrade Core (Gnome), Winter (Panzerskank), SU-NIT (Poorweather), and Benjamin Darkley (Patrick O) to stop the cyber zombies from attacking the peace summit! Unfortunately for our meager crew, not everyone is after the same thing. Will this barely-formed crew save the day? Or will they tear themselves apart, chasing their own selfish agendas?

Six Feats Under Presents: Lasers & Feelings


Spicy Plugs:

Pat Trek

The Dungeon Rats

Improvised Star Trek

100ft Robot Golf

Our playthrough of Microscope

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