Oh boy can we pack a lot into a podcast. Especially this week when we bring in special guest Mike Sargent and talk about Greta Gerwig's directorial debut (sort of) "Lady Bird" which is a coming of age movie starring Saorsie Ronan. Then there's "Thor: Ragnarok" the latest from Marvel with an amazing cast including Cate Blanchett of all people. We also take a look at Rob Reiner's "LBJ" starring Woody Harrelson and we hear what Rob Reiner says about its politics. Mike talks about "The Light of the Moon" and there's also TV - "White Famous" and "David S. Pumpkin." But wait - there's more! We talk about "Gilbert!" the new documentary about comedian Gilbert Gottfried. Bill Bregoli, who's known Gilbert for decades, presents his exclusive interview with Gilbert, his wife Dara and director Neil Berkley. There's actually more but rather than take up your time reading we'll let you start listening. Get going!