This one is a slow burn folks! We got Shari Davis of the Participatory Budgeting Project and they came to drop some wisdom and provide people the tools to personalize the revolution wherever you may be! From Shari's love of the force from a bad ass feminist, to the weak penalties for insurrectionists, this episode has hope and heart!

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Show Notes:


Fires, Floods, and Heatwaves are just the beginning

IPCC Full Report

Climate Change is in the Defense Budget

Exxon Lobbyist describes Congress Bribes

Fire on the Water

Melting Glaciers

PB in Brazil

Black Brilliance Research Report

Participatory Budgeting in School Districts

Judge Presses DOJ on Restitution Fees

DeRay McKesson's Court Case

Private Jet Insurrectionist

Democracy Beyond Elections

Why Outing can be Deadly

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