Welcome back Kyber Squadron! It's been a long time, but the crew is back and the news is spicier than ever.  We got Republicans engaging in human trafficking to manufacture chaos like the First Order paid pirates in Resistance to manufacture fear. Don't fall for the trap, and do hold politicians accountable who will campaign on stopping or continuing this violence.

Twitter: @SithtyMinutes @AAA_Photog @BimboKatan 

Instagram: @PaulaBear92 @RBW3000 @General_Leia_The_Pup 

Show Notes:

Tales of the Jedi

Acolyte Casting

Ahsoka Casting

PBS Newshour Report

Inside the Buses

Is it Legal?

The Stress of Bussing Immigrants on Activist Orgs

What Happens When Immigrants Arrive in DC

Nogales: A Town the Border Crossed

Central American Resource Center

Miramar Circle of Protection

Twitter Mentions