Welcome back Kyber Squadron! This week, James is back to discuss not one, but TWO issues of The High Republic Adventures and we talk about everything from Dex's comfy cozy clothes to why home and security means different things to marginalized groups. Come for the comic delay tea, stay for the Alak and Saya lore!

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Twitter: @SithtyMinutes @AAA_Photog @BimboKatan @aDillonDev

Instagram: @PaulaBear92 @RBW3000 @General_Leia_The_Pup 

Websites: James' Website 1138 Articles

Show Notes:

Rye House GoFundMe

Quest of the Jedi

Issue 1 Review

"Inspiration Porn"

Could You Pass a Citizenship Test?

Midnight Horizon

Mon Mothma's Parties

Organizing for Home

Twitter Mentions