Welcome back Kyber Squadron! This week, the crew sit down to disucess the updated protests in Iran and how the issues there are manifesting in the United States.  Uplift the voices fighting in Iran, and know that if you want to be an activist around women's bodily autonomy, we have plenty of work here for you to center your activism. We also have an update on the Ian recovery and how people will always protect themselves before corporations ever will.

Twitter: @SithtyMinutes @AAA_Photog @BimboKatan 

Instagram: @PaulaBear92 @RBW3000 @General_Leia_The_Pup 

Show Notes:

Rogue One Graphic Novel

Doctor Aphra

Iran Protests

The Shah and his Private Police

Oil Worker's Strike

Yeganeh Rezaian Interview

Women in "Re-Education Camps"

Iranian Journalist Punished for Breaking the News

In the US, Republicans are Mimicking the Islamic Republic's Rhetoric

Texas is still Investigating Trans Kids and Their Families

Smile Trust

Coalition of Immokalee Workers

HOPE Community Center

Blue Trunk Garden

Redlands Christian Migrant Association

Florida Immigrant Coalition

Twitter Mentions