We're on the other side of May 4th so we introduce our Star Wars spoiler horn for those taking their time to enjoy Bad Batch and that 70-minute premiere! After that, the Illumination docks by Colombia again to discuss the current unrest before coming back stateside to discuss the complex nature of a morally bankrupt country trying to impose the death penalty.  There are laughs, shocking surprises, and General Leia even steps in to bark some orders to her troops!

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Show Notes:

The Khetanna Cast Episode

The Bad Batch (IMDB)

President Duque's Failed Tax Reforms

Proposed Reforms

380 Missing People

Increased Security in Cali

Clinton's Plan Colombia

Operation Condor

Empire's Workshop

School of the Americas

Afros Unidos

SC Firing Squad Bill

Race and the Death Penalty 

45's Rush of Executions

2018 SC Death Row Stats

Fentanyl for Executions!?

DJ Vlad Interview

Take Action

Abolish the Death Penalty

For Your Consideration: A Transphobic Fascist

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