Welcome back Kyber Squadron! This week, we bring Suhaila of Su's Theories to the Illumination to discuss the rich history of Revolution and Oppression in the real world and how that inspired Tony Gilroy and Diego Luna's Andor series on Disney+! We discuss everything from real-world mining disasters, to the ongoing violence indigenous people from the United States and Canada all the way to Palestine face in the pursuit of Imperial profit, resources, and territory.

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Show Notes:

Tony Gilroy Interview

Mining Disaster in Ghana

Afghanistan's Minerals

Mining and the Environment

Hydropower and Environmental Impact

The Dakota Access Pipeline Timeline

The Pipeline isn't even Legally Operating

Canada's Pipeline

Oil's Impact on the Middle East

The Hawaiian Kingdom's Overthrow

Palestine's Open-Air Prison

The Olive Tree in Palestine

COVID-19 and Palestine

Indigenous Oppression

...Keystone Pipeline Leaked..Again

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