Welcome in Kyber Squadron! This week's transmission got a little delayed as we reacted to the work happening on the ground in Nal Hutta aka Florida after Emperor-Hopeful DeSantis' signed SB1718 has created backlash amongst immigrant communities and their allies. Fighting the First Order of Florida begins now, so gather round and learn about the fight against SB1718 from Danielle, one of the leaders on the ground.

Follow us:

Twitter: @SithtyMinutes @AAA_Photog @BimboKatan 

Instagram: @PaulaBear92 @RBW3000 @General_Leia_The_Pup @Dani_the_activist

TikTok: @Danitheactivist

Gmail: [email protected] 

Show Notes: 


SB168 Anti-Sanctuary City Bill 

SB1808 287-G Agreements (2022)

FL Grand Jury Recommends Anti-Immigrant Laws

Organizing in the South

SB1718 Anti-Immigration Bill (2023)

Day Without an Immigrant

Right-To-Work Law Episode!

Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

Florida Travel Advisories


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