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Next Episode: The Beautiful South

Episode 198 - XTC from the other side of the World

Keen to shake some of the Euro-bias from our last episode Ben and Rich are joined by Joe Congdon of Team Japan and Akhter Khan of Team Australia to review the XTC groups and chat more about their Teams. How they feel about the draws and their chances (and the other Oceania/Asian teams) of making it out the Group stages.

Hopefully we can one or two of the South American teams represented next week for episode 199!

Cast – Ben, Rich and special guests Joe Congdon and Akhter Khan
Producer – Tim
Recorded 31/05/2021 via Discord

Intro - Obi Wan 'hello there' from Revenge of the Sith
Outro – THE BLUE HEARTS - リンダリンダ
Used without permission - it's just for fun