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Episode 227 - Fund Raising For Phoebe

This week Rich, Ben and Liam are joined by a very special guest, former Director of Organised Play at FFG and all round great guy - Alex Watkins!

Alex is on primarily to talk to us about the raffle he's running to raise funds to support Phoebe, a daughter of a friend, who has kidney failure due to Anchor Positive Vasculitis - an extremely rare condition.

But we couldn't pass on the opportunity to talk to Alex about all sorts! We chat about how he got in to gaming, how did he get in to OP at FFG, what was it like running some of the biggest miniature game's tournaments in the world plus some of the behind the scenes that I know a lot of us will be interested to know more about!

We round out the show with some chat about the Sith Taker Open where Alex will be in attendance to do the draw live on the Firecast Focus who will be at the venue streaming the X-wing action live!

You can find more details about the Raffle here:

And you can still get your tickets here:

Cast - Ben, Rich, Liam and special guest Alex Watkins
Producer - Tim
Recorded 17/01/2022 via Discord

Intro - Obi Wan 'hello there' from Revenge of the Sith
Outro - Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone (Video)
Used without permission - it's just for fun!