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Seeing the Person in Front of You

Zen Master Bon Hae, Judy Roitman, began practicing with Zen Master Seung Sahn in 1976 while teaching at Wellesley College. In 1978, she joined the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, married her husband Stan Lombardo (now Zen Master Hae Kwang) and helped found what became the Kansas Zen Center. Zen Master Bon Hae received inka, or permission to teach, in 1998 and transmission in 2013. You can find some of her articles in Buddhadharma, much of her poetry online, and most of her mathematics papers behind institutional paywalls. Zen Master Bon Hae is currently the guiding teacher of the Kansas Zen Center.

You can find out more about Zen Master Bon Hae's teaching and retreat schedule by visiting the Kansas Zen Center’s website

Sit, Breathe, Bow is hosted by Ian White Maher.

Sit, Breathe, Bow is sponsored by the Online Sangha of the International Kwan Um School of Zen