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Sincerity is Everything

Andrzej Stec, Ji Do Poep Sa Nim, met Zen Master Seung Sahn at a dharma talk at Gdansk Polytechnic University in 1981 where Andrzej was working on his Masters of Architecture. He began formal practice in 1983, became a monk, and trained in Korea for 13 years. He received inka, or permission to teach, from Zen Master Seung Sahn in 1998 and has been teaching in Europe, Asia and the United States ever since. Andrzej has led several 90-day retreats and served as abbot of the Kwan Um School of Poland and several Zen centers worldwide. He was the second guiding teacher at Su Bong Zen Monastery in Hong Kong from 2009 to 2016. Today, Andrzej lives in Korea and is the guiding teacher of the Kwan Um Seoul Zen Group and the Kwan Um Daejeon Zen Group.

You can find out more by visiting the Kwan Um Seoul Zen Group at

Sit, Breathe, Bow is hosted by Ian White Maher.

Sit, Breathe, Bow is sponsored by the Online Sangha of the International Kwan Um School of Zen