In today's episode we have Sanita Mitchell who shares her infertility journey, infant loss story of daughter Anaya, and starting the Anaya's Project foundation.  Sanita is a wife, business owner, non-profit CEO of Anaya's project, and the mom of 4 children (3 boys and 1 princess) and 1 Angel Baby named Anaya.  Sanita shares in this episode how having her tubes removed gave her 10-12% chance of becoming pregnant on her own, how she naturally conceived her rainbow baby, and now that pregnancy as well as her second rainbow baby pregnancy was met with challenges including high risk pregnancy, gestational diabetes, and uterine rupture.  She also shares how she was led to start Anaya's project which serves couple's or individuals who have experienced the painful experience of pregnancy and infant loss as well as those who are experiencing infertility challenges.  This episode is for you to listen to if you have had one of you tubes removed and if you have had pregnancy challenges like gestational diabetes or being considered high risk.


Sanita Mitchell's Bio
I am the Founder and CEO of Anaya's Project Inc. Anaya's Project serves couple's or individuals who have experienced the painful experience of pregnancy and infant loss as well as those who are experiencing infertility challenges. I am a wife, business owner of Bright Sparkles Family Daycare, Co-Founder of The Perfect Family Blend, and mom of 4 children (3 boys and 1 princess) and 1 Angel Baby.  I married my best friend on September 19, 2009. We are a blended family. After being married for about 2 months we learned that we were expecting a new addition to our family. Then we became even more excited once we learned that we were expecting a little girl. On April 22, I would be sent to the hospital because I was experiencing contractions only to be sent home. I would be admitted to the hospital on Friday, April 22. On April 26, for the safety of my life and my daughter Anaya's life the decision was made to forward with delivery. Anaya would not survive. A pain that is totally indescribable occurred in my life and my family. I dealt with thoughts of suicide and battled with depression. I had even became somewhat addicted to the pain medicines; which seemed to numb the pain. As time progressed, my husband and I would try to conceive again with no avail. I became obsessive with becoming pregnant and the more it didn't occur the more depressed I became. One day, I got over myself, pride and fear. I went to my OB/GYN to find out what the problem could be. After meeting with IVF specialist and having one of my tubes removed. I was given a very low percent around 10-12% chance of becoming pregnant on my own. There was talks of IVF and other medications to be administered if I didn't become pregnant within a certain period of time. Well, my husband and I were thrilled to learn that our three year journey produced our rainbow baby!!! After being high risked, gestational diabetes, fear of losing her, carpal tunnel, sciatic nerve pain, weekly injections, BPP, stress tests; we welcomed into the world Aryana Faith. After her birth we were blessed with our second rainbow baby Samuel Marquis. Through all of the physical challenges of carrying two babies back to back and being considered very high risk. During Sam's birth I almost ruptured; but Praise God!! God intervened and had the placenta in a very unusual place which kept Sam from pushing through the rupture!! There were the mental challenges and faith challenges that I had to overcome. The mental challenges were getting over the fear that there may have been something wrong with me and that I would not be able to give my husband the one thing he desired. Another challenge that overcame was worrying about what people thought or said. After losing Anaya people said some very hurtful things, that I later learned that they were not being intentionally insensitive; but they just can't totally understand this walk. Next, the testing and procedures were difficult; however, we had to face them in order to receive what we were believing God for. Our faith was challenged. My husband and I were very active in ministry and Deacons in our church. But this rocked our foundation but we had to become relentless in our faith. God gave His word and we had to walk it out. I had to overcome my head noise. I had to release the could've, would've and should've. I had to stop entertaining that my past mistakes were the reasons why I loss Anaya.

Book Recommendations and Links Below

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Anaya's Project Inc Paint Event October 15, 2018 at National Harbor, MD




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