Have you heard of the term myomectomy?

Myomectomy is the surgical removal of fibroids from the uterus. It allows the uterus to be left in place and, for some women, makes pregnancy more likely than before.  Myomectomy is the preferred fibroid treatment for women who want to become pregnant.

Today’s guest experienced infertility and gave birth to her stillborn son at 28 weeks.  Kima Tozay was diagnosed with Fibroids and endured a myomectomy surgery to remove her fibroids.  She explored IVF that was unsuccessful and was able to get pregnant twice an early twin pregnancy loss and a 27 week stillbirth due to preeclampsia.  In this episode Kima shares how she know helps advocate for those who have experienced infertility and pregnancy and infant loss and how she is keeping her son Jaxson’s memory alive by spreading awareness about maternal and infant mortality in communities of color.  We also discuss her next steps on her journey to motherhood that includes fostering to adopt.

This episode is for you to listen to if you have experienced stillbirth or fibroids and have considered a myomectomy to remove them.  This episode is for you to listen to if you have considered fostering to adopt as an option to grow your family.

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