Was it difficult for you to see other pregnancies after your loss?

Dealing with Pregnancy envy is a normal emotion especially after your miscarriage, infant or child loss, or infertility journey. You're not a bad person, friend, or relative for feeling pangs of jealousy.

Understanding the underlying thoughts that feed into jealous feelings may help you understand yourself better and even reduce these uncomfortable feelings.

Today’s guest did exactly that after experiencing the loss of twins at 20 weeks.  Marie Carmel Bien-Aime has a 18 year old and 7 year old who were both born prematurely.  In 2016 she conceived twins naturally and at the 5 month ultrasound to confirm the genders the ultrasound technician stopped talking.  This is when Marie knew something was wrong.  The doctor comes in and says that she is already dilated and offered her a cerclage to prolong the pregnancy.  

In this episode she takes us back to the time leading up to her untimely losses, how she had to make a decision to deliver her babies with no fluid, and waking up empty to no babies due to hemorrhaging when delivering the placenta.  

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