Have you heard of twin to twin transfusion syndrome?

Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a condition that occurs only in monochorionic pregnancies — ones in which two or more genetically identical babies (usually twins) share the same placenta. Although all identical twins share a placenta, TTTS develops in about 10 to 15 percent of those pregnancies.

Today’s guest experienced a stillbirth at 32 weeks, an early miscarriage, and a 22 week pregnancy ending in twin to twin transfusion.  Ebony Ford has a story to tell after moving forward with her adoption journey she found out she was pregnant with her rainbow baby girl.  That pregnancy was uneventful until 26 weeks where she came back from vacation and discovered she was in complete kidney and liver failure due to preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome.  Her micropreemie Reign Victoria was born at 26 weeks weighing 1lb 15oz and spent time in the NICU while Ebony was fighting for her life through dialysis, intubation, ventilation and more.  

In this episode Ebony shares her journey through stillbirth, miscarriage, and losing twins due to twin to twin transfusion.  She also shares the day she almost lost her life and her 3 month NICU journey with Reign Victoria.  Now Ebony has turned her pain into purpose by advocating for prematurity, traumatic birth, medically fragile children and maternal health.  

This episode is for you to listen to if you want to know how it is to raise a micro preemie and medically fragile child.  You should listen to this episode if you experienced a stillbirth, miscarriage, twin loss, or preeclampisa and HELLP syndrome.  

Listen to this episode here: sistersinloss.com/ep169