Not all fertility treatments end in success.  Some end in undetermined infertility and unsuccessful IUI and IVF cycles. Today’s guest experienced unexplained infertility and underwent fertility treatments.  After going through an IUI and 2 IVF cycles that were unsuccessful, she and her husband decided to take a break from fertility treatments and decided to adopt.  The adoption process was an immediate success.  Juauna Lewis decided to try another IVF round, but that was also unsuccessful.  To continue to grow her family, she turned to foster care to adoption and added another two boys to her family.  Juauna is now the mom to 3 sweet little boys who she considers the pot of gold at the end of her rainbow of failed fertility treatments and losses.

In today’s episode we discuss her decision to stop fertility treatments and turn to adoption, why foster to adoption is another option to growing your family, and how motherhood is not defined if you birth children from your body.

This episode is for you to listen to if you have had a failed IVF experience, are curious about adoption or fostering to adopt, and for inspiration that motherhood comes in many forms even if you don’t birth the baby.

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