We're halfway through October and loving every day of it, so what better time to talk about one of the best vampire stories ever to hit the comic book shelves? In this episode, we examine American Vampire Volumes 1 and 2, by Scott Snyder and Raphael Albuquerque, with stories by Stephen King in Volume 1. Just try to keep up. 


Ghost in the Burbs, Me & Paranormal You, Ouija Board History - podcasts

Sierra's Halloween Music Mix - playlist

Insidious series - films 

Yoshi Yoshitani, Bryan Fyffe, Hazel Arch, Cory Godbey - artists

Sirens of Scream are:

Melissa Megan- @Lissapunch

Jackie DeVore- @Jackietherobot

Sierra Houk- @sierrahouk

Sirens on Twitter- @Sirensofscream

Email - [email protected]

Banner art by Menton3

Editing by Drew Devore 

Break Music- Concrete Blonde, Bloodletting

End Music- The Builders and the Butchers, Vampire Lake