36 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 5 years ago - ★★★★★ - 5 ratings

We will examine and discuss in detail different inspired and sacred text. Join me for the next series of seasons as we journey through "A Course In Miracles". Thank you for making me a part of your journey.

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E36: ACIM STUDY: Chapter 4 - VII. Creation and Communication

February 21, 2019 16:39 - 16 minutes - 22.5 MB

Abstract and concrete, being and existing, and creation and communication. In this episode, we will examine the meaning behind these terms and discuss how they relate to our journey.

E35: ACIM READING ONLY: Chapter 4 - VII. Creation and Communication

January 09, 2019 00:00 - 8 minutes - 5.53 MB

Each Tuesday we will post a reading from A Course In Miracles. The reading will cover the section of study for that week. Listen in or read along.

E34: ACIM STUDY: Chapter 4 - VI. The Rewards of God

January 09, 2019 00:00 - 17 minutes - 23.9 MB

In this episode, we discuss the study of part 6. Until now, the course has talked about ego as if it were its own entity-doing this so that we could see it as something outside ourselves, as something tangible, so that we couldn't just brush it off, and see it as something we've attached ourselves to. We now have to see it for what it is and decide what we are going to do. Will we do away with ego and finally accept the rewards of God?

E33: ACIM READING ONLY: Chapter 4 - VI. The Rewards of God

January 01, 2019 00:00 - 7 minutes - 9.71 MB

Each Tuesday we will post a reading from A Course In Miracles. The reading will cover the section of study for that week. Listen in or read along.

E32: ACIM STUDY: Chapter 4 - V. The Ego-Body Illusion

December 28, 2018 00:00 - 13 minutes - 18.5 MB

The Ego-body illusion is the ego's continuing effort to create chaos in the world and the body as a way to overstimulate our mind. In doing this then all things physical occupy the majority of thoughts in the mind. Ego does all of it in order to forget that it isn't eternal and to keep us from remembering that we ARE. When we find ourselves running around lost in list of to do's, and overwhelmed with problem after problem we just need to ask ourselves....."What for?" Listen in to fi...

E31: ACIM READING ONLY: Chapter 4 - V. The Ego-Body Illusion

December 11, 2018 13:21 - 6 minutes - 8.41 MB

Each Tuesday we will post a reading from A Course In Miracles. The reading will cover the section of study for that week. Listen in or read along.

E30: ACIM STUDY: Chapter 4 - IV. This Need Not Be

December 10, 2018 00:00 - 22 minutes - 30.6 MB

Jesus is the binder, he is the force that pulls us to oneness. In this episode, we learn that sadness, guilt, and anxiety these are all emotions that need not be. They are emotions of the ego only. If we find ourselves experiencing these emotions the course tells us it's an indicator that ego is running the show. Listen in to find out how we get control back of our emotions, our thoughts, and ultimately our mind and begin healing.

E29: ACIM READING ONLY: Chapter 4 - IV. This Need Not Be

December 05, 2018 00:39 - 8 minutes - 11.1 MB

Each Tuesday we will post a reading from A Course In Miracles. The reading will cover the section of study for that week. Listen in or read along.

E28: ACIM: Chapter 4 - III. Love Without Conflict

November 30, 2018 00:00 - 23 minutes - 32.5 MB

In this section of the chapter, the course breaks down the illusions of the ego even more. We get an even better understanding as to why ego can't experience love without conflict. Also, have you ever noticed the message of the course in the movie/book "The Wizard of Oz"? It serves as an example to understanding that in spirit 'to have' and 'to be' are the same. Listen in!

E27: ACIM READING ONLY: Chapter 4 - III. Love Without Conflict

November 28, 2018 01:38 - 9 minutes - 13.4 MB

Each Tuesday we will post a reading from A Course In Miracles. The reading will cover the section of study for that week. Listen in or read along.

E26: ACIM: Chapter 4 - II. Ego and False Autonomy p. 4-11

November 13, 2018 00:00 - 16 minutes - 23.1 MB

Ego and false autonomy. Ego has us believing we are it and it is us. When really there were never any two things more opposite than Ego and Spirit. We are Spirit. And Ego is a parasite. Invading and feeding off of our power. We walk around as an empty shell of our true self. But we feel in charge of ourselves, free to do as we please when really ego has us fooled. We see this structure, holding ourselves and our true potential captive, as our true self. This is so clever of ego, bec...

E25: ACIM: Chapter 4 - II. Ego and False Autonomy p.1-3

November 02, 2018 00:00 - 10 minutes - 14 MB

WHY DID WE CREATE EGO? In this episode, we not only get this answered we also are shown how and where to get this and other answers like it to any questions we have. We also talk about a pretty cool way the course relates to math with the equation, XY=K. We talk about what concrete and abstract thought is and how it relates to our thoughts and our journey to truth. As you can see, part 2 is so full of information I decided to cover just the first 3 paragraphs. Next episode we'll pic...

E24: ACIM: Chapter 4 - I. Right Teaching and Right Learning

October 26, 2018 18:54 - 19 minutes - 26.2 MB

At this moment in our journey, the greatest gift we have is teaching and learning. In this episode, we learn in more detail the 4 things teachers do. Teaching is a learning process that becomes a teaching process. And as part of the learning process, the learner will teach to further their learning. A teacher is to be the reminder. - ego is happy when we are fear focused instead of joy driven.

E23: ACIM: Chapter 3 - VII. Creating versus the Self-Image

October 16, 2018 00:00 - 10 minutes - 15 MB

Every thought either makes or creates a foundation of a belief. So every thought system we have is built from one of these two thoughts. The text gives details on each of these foundations. Taking us step by step on how to get rid of fear belief systems, and how to intentionally replace and build love belief systems. Stay tuned for the details and much more........

E22: ACIM: Chapter 3 - VI. Judgement and the Authority Problem

October 09, 2018 00:00 - 13 minutes - 18.9 MB

In this episode, we talk more about judgment. We've been using judgement to feel in control of our lives. The problem now is that we've become a servant to judgment and we've lost our peace that comes when we come to terms with the fact that we didn't create ourselves. We go into these details and more. Take a listen.......

E21: ACIM: Chapter 3 - V. Beyond Perception

September 27, 2018 00:00 - 13 minutes - 18.4 MB

In this episode, we discuss part 5 of chapter 3. The words "create" and "make" take on a whole new meaning for us here. It is where we focus our intention from that determines whether we create or make something. We also discover a few more tricks that ego has up its sleeve.......

E20: ACIM: Chapter 3 - IV. Error and the Ego

August 23, 2018 00:00 - 18 minutes - 25.4 MB

In this episode, we discuss part 4 of chapter 3. This part of the chapter reveals to us the steps that led us from spirit to this world of misperception. We talk about where we all went wrong-minded and how. Listen in because Jesus talks directly to us through the text and tells us how he did it while in the body and how he wants to help us do the same.........

E19: ACIM: Chapter 3 - III. Perception Versus Knowledge

August 14, 2018 17:43 - 15 minutes - 21.7 MB

In this episode we discuss part 3 of chapter 3. The course gives us a deeper understanding of our knowing. Describing to us the difference between perceiving and knowing. Listen in for more of what the course has to tell us.........

E18: ACIM: Chapter 3 - II. Miracles as True Perception

August 03, 2018 00:00 - 10 minutes - 14.7 MB

In this episode we discuss part 2 of chapter 3. In this episode the course is helping us find our innocent state. We see how it could all be if we do, and what we need to do to get there. Listen in for more of what the course has to say.........

E17: ACIM: The Innocent Perception, Chapter 3, Pt. 1

July 28, 2018 00:00 - 29 minutes - 41 MB

In this episode we discuss part 1 of chapter 3. Here the course gives us a new understanding of some old terminology. So much attention has been put on the crucifixion and how it was this sacrifice made by an innocent that “saved” us. What if I told you that it isn’t the crucifixion that saves us, but the resurrection. The key to accepting the atonement is right here in this part of the text. Listen in for more of what the course has to say.........and stay tuned, following this epi...

E16: ACIM: The Meaning of the Last Judgement, Chapter 2, pt. 8

June 30, 2018 01:12 - 12 minutes - 17.7 MB

In this episode we discuss part 8 of chapter 2. Here the course gives us a new understanding of some old terminology. Religious or not, these words have given all of us at some point or another that feeling of doomsday approaching. What if I told you that the Last Judgement is actually the complete opposite of what we've always thought. Listen in for more of what the course has to say.........

E15: ACIM: Cause And Effect, Chapter 2, pt. 7

June 01, 2018 00:00 - 19 minutes - 26.2 MB

In this episode we discuss part 7 of chapter 2. We talk about the law of cause and effect. What it is, and how it applies to our spiritual journey. In the last paragraph of this episode the course gives us a recipe for action. Listen in for more of what the course has to say.........

E14: ACIM: Fear and Conflict, Chapter 2, pt. 6

May 20, 2018 09:19 - 22 minutes - 30.3 MB

In this episode we discuss part 6 of chapter two. We talk about how the conflict we experience in our lives is an expression of fear. And how we can correct fear by making up our minds. Change your mind, you change your behavior. Listen in to more of what the course has to say.........

E13: ACIM: The Function of the Miracle Worker, Chapter 2, pt. 5 & 5A

May 09, 2018 00:00 - 11 minutes - 16.2 MB

In episode 13 we find our function as a miracle maker, and we break down the 8 special principles. This is part 5 and 5a of Chapter 2 in The Course of Miracles. One truth that stood out for me in this episode is to use the discomfort from errors to urge us to fix them not fixate on them. Now let's listen in as we see what else The Course has to say...

E12: ACIM: Healing As Release From Fear, Chapter 2, pt. 4

May 01, 2018 00:00 - 15 minutes - 21 MB

In episode 12 we find our truths about healing and how it is a release from fear. This is part 4 of Chapter 2 in The Course of Miracles. Listen in as we see what The Course has to say...

E11: ACIM: The Altar of God, Chapter 2, pt. 3

April 21, 2018 20:57 - 21 minutes - 30 MB

In episode 11 we uncover the altar of God in part 3 of Chapter 2 in The Course of Miracles. Listen in as we see what The Course has to say...

E10: ACIM: The Atonement as Defense Chapter 2, pt. 2

April 05, 2018 14:32 - 12 minutes - 17.8 MB

What is it that gets all of your time? Why does it get all of your time? Do you want to change what gets your time?? We have the power to do that and more easily than we realized. It's all here in this episode! Listen in as we see what The Course has to say...

E9: ACIM: Chapter 2 The Separation and the Atonement

March 23, 2018 00:00 - 12 minutes - 17.5 MB

In episode 9 we begin our journey into chapter 2 as we cover part 1 in The Course of Miracles. We will go back to the origins of the separation.

ACIM: VII Distortions of Miracle Impulses Ep 8

February 15, 2018 00:00 - 24 minutes - 33.8 MB

In episode 8 we cover part 7 of chapter 1 in The Course of Miracles. We will discuss pleasure, fantasies, and mind training. In Part 2 of this episode we review last weeks workbook lessons 16-20.

ACIM: VI Illusion Of Needs Ep. 7

January 31, 2018 00:00 - 25 minutes - 34.6 MB

In episode 7 we cover part 6 of chapter 1 in The Course of Miracles. I will share with you my thought from my readings of this section. In this episode and a review of last weeks workbook lessons 11-15.

ACIM: V. Wholeness and Spirit Ep. 6

January 17, 2018 00:00 - 17 minutes - 23.5 MB

In episode 6 we cover part 5 of chapter 1 in The Course of Miracles. I will share with you my thought from my readings of this section. In this episode and a review of last weeks workbook lessons 6-10.

ACIM: IV. The Escape From Darkness Ep. 5

January 08, 2018 00:00 - 24 minutes - 33 MB

In episode 5 we cover part 4 of chapter 1 in the course of miracles. I will share with you my thoughts from my readings of this section. In this episode and going forward we will begin the new year with a review of each weeks workbook lessons. Lessons covered on this episode are 1-5

ACIM: III. Atonement and Miracles Ep. 4

December 26, 2017 00:00 - 18 minutes - 25.6 MB

In episode 4 we cover part 3 of chapter 1 in the course of miracles. I will share with you my thoughts from my readings of this section. I also share with you a few of my favorite things as we dive into the concepts of love and oneness.

ACIM: II. Revelation, Time and Miracles. Ep. 3

December 18, 2017 00:00 - 11 minutes - 15.4 MB

In episode 3 we break down part 2 of chapter one. We will be discussing what part revelation has in our process as miracle makers. Also, we are shown how time works in the midst of miracles. Thank you for listening.

ACIM: I. Principles of Miracles Ep. 2

December 13, 2017 00:00 - 17 minutes - 24 MB

Episode 2 of Singularity. Chapter 1, Part 1. In this episode we will start The Course in Miracles with Chapter one The Meaning of Miracles beginning with part one the 50 principles of Miracles.

E1: Introduction to Singularity: Season 1 covers ACIM

December 08, 2017 15:42 - 3 minutes - 4.34 MB

Episode 1 of Singularity. This is an introduction to Singularity. On this channel we will be going through the various sacred text. We will begin our next series of episodes going through "A Course In Miracles"