SPOILERS ABOUND IN THIS EPISODE! SPOILERS, Y'ALL! We waited a week to release this, to give more people a chance to see it, but Scar, J, and Rashanii are joined by Brandon from the Why So Serious Podcast, and we talk Avengers: Endgame. What we liked, and what we thought they could have done better. […]

The post TDT Episode 157: Avengers Endgame (Spoilers, Obviously) appeared first on Single Simulcast.

SPOILERS ABOUND IN THIS EPISODE! SPOILERS, Y'ALL! We waited a week to release this, to give more people a chance to see it, but Scar, J, and Rashanii are joined by Brandon from the Why So Serious Podcast, and we talk Avengers: Endgame. What we liked, and what we thought they could have done better. We also talk about future possibilities for Phase 4 and forward, and what villains we'd like to see next. Enjoy. Unless you haven't seen the movie yet. 

Voicemail: 757-752-8236

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @TheDr3amTeam, @Rashanii, @Adjective_J @Scarfinger

Jay's Podcast: http://kneegrowmajority.podomatic.com/

Scar's Website: http://www.geeksgoneraw.com

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The post TDT Episode 157: Avengers Endgame (Spoilers, Obviously) appeared first on Single Simulcast.