Meet Drew Manning and Evan DeMarco, two single dads. Drew's kids are 9 and 7-year-old girls, and Evan has a 5-year-old girl. Together, they'll talk about what it's like to be a single, present parent.

In this introductory episode, meet the single dads! You'll learn their backstories, what values they try to instill in their kids, the hopes they have for this podcast, and so much more.

Drew Manning is the New York Times Bestselling author who wrote
"Fit2Fat2Fit: The Unexpected Lessons from Gaining and Losing 75 lbs on Purpose." He's a keto coach, a fitness influencer, and a dad.

Evan DeMarco is a sports performance and nutrition expert, as well as the Amazon bestselling author of "30 Days to a Better Brain." He's also a health product innovator, an entrepreneur, and a dad.

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