Hello and welcome to episode 39 of Sing! Dance! Act! Thrive!

How is your 2020 going so far? Mine has been great. I’ve been working non-stop on something special for you all. I’m so excited to soon launch the Sing! Dance! Act! Thrive! Progress Pathway coaching program. 

I help musicians, actors, and dancers cultivate authentic connections with audiences and industry gatekeepers so that they can build a thriving career in the arts, without feeling overwhelmed or doubting themselves. If you want to stop letting fear and a lack of knowledge hold you back, I can empower you with confidence and profile building strategies to propel you to the next level. 

The performers already in the program are saying that its life changing and that is so rewarding.  To give you a hint of the pathway I can tell you that all 6 phases start with a C

Clarity: Vision & Goal SettingConfidence: Artist Identity & MotivationCaptivate: Personality, Image & Your StoryCompetitive Edge: Niche & TribeContent Creation: EPK & Social MediaCommunication: People skills & PR

BONUS C’s: Courage & Creativity

Courage and Creativity will be themes throughout all the phases as building and maintaining a career in the arts takes courage. As a creativity coach, I understand the anxiety and internal struggles that come up so you will have one on one support. 

All the details are coming very soon and I will be giving away some free coaching sessions in March. If you are interested shoot me an email diane (at) dianefoy (dot) com and I’ll send you the link to apply for a spot once it is available.

Today’s guest is the Artistic Director of KasheDance, Kevin A. Ormsby. He works as a dancer/choreographer and Arts Strategies Consultant. He is the Program Manager for Cultural Pluralism in the Arts Movement Ontario (CPAMO), Professor of Dance Performance at Centennial College and an Adjunct Artist with Dance Exchange in Washington, DC. He has so many titles and awards that I won’t mention them all here. With career that spans over 30 years, he has performed with various companies and projects in Canada, Caribbean and the United States. He currently sits on the Board of Nia Centre for the Arts, Dance Collection Danse and Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts.

For links and a transcript visit singdanceactthrive.com/039