Arthur lives in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania with his wife, Liz and dog and cat. He studied student and family ministry at Lancaster Bible college. For 10 years he served as a youth pastor and then felt God’s nudge to leave student ministry and move on to something different. He and his wife built a passion for orphans and vulnerable children. They walked alongside a lot of kids who were facing significant difficulties and trauma. From this experience he learned that kids from hard places have significant barriers to receiving the gospel. He made a video series called, Trusting the God of the Gospel that helps caregivers and families disciple adopted or foster teenagers. 


Arthur and Liz have been in the adoption process for several years now. He shares his journey through failed adoption and some of the difficulties he and his wife faced. They also fostered for 2 years. He shares how adoption and foster care is a faith journey, is not always easy and how important it is to be steadfast through it all. Lastly, he shares practical advice to those starting on the adoption and foster care road.




Have any questions or feedback? 

Email: [email protected]


Arthur C Woods website:


Trust the God of the Gospel